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CVCT – 20th Global Cardio Vascular Clinical Trialists Forum

30/11/2023 au 2/12/2023

CardioVascular, CardioRenal and Cardiometabolic medicine is increasingly evidence-based. Every year brings a series of landmark, game changing trials. These are presented at major meetings “Late Breaking Clinical Trials sessions”, which last only 10 minutes, followed by 5 mins discussion. Sometimes only the main results are published simultaneously or short after the event. Limited discussion among commentators may occur on social media.

CVCT is the only global meeting where hours are spent discussing individual trials, among the most authoritative stakeholders.

* CVCT is a unique think tank forum aiming at discussing the critical latest CardioVascular, CardioRenal and Cardiometabolic trials, individually and in context

* Discussion includes understanding trial rationale, design issues, trial conduct and operational issues, statistical methodology and interpretation, clinical meaning, approvability by major regulatory agencies, valuation by payers, implementation into practice guidelines, in real life by physicians.

* CVCT is unique in that it assembles the key global experts from multiple backgrounds.

* Academy trialists and Primary Investigators of major trials

* Pharma and Device Industry R&D and CROs.

* Regulatory agencies (FDA,EMA, MHRA, etc…)

* Major journal editors(NEJM, The Lancet, JAMA, Circ, JACC, EHJ…)

* Major research organisations (NHLBI, EC, Inserm..)

* Payers (CMS, NICE, HTA organisations)

* Lawyers

* Patients. Login and listen, interrogate and eMeet with trials experts


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